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Finding a job has been turned around: healthcare institutions send you offers based on your preferences listed on your anonymous profile.
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70% Scrubini kasutajates ütleb, et nad kandideerivad suurema tõenäosusega, kui tööandjal on Scrubinis aktiivne profiil, sest see näitab, et nad on uuendusmeelsed ja avatud tagasisidele
Esimese põhjusena kasutavad tervishoiuvaldkonna töötajad Scrubini töö otsimiseks
A job platform created for the healthcare
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Connect anonymously with other healthcare specialists about work, pay and more.
Finding a job has been turned around: healthcare institutions send you offers based on your preferences listed on your anonymous profile.
Read thousands of anonymous insights about the health organisations from the specialists who have worked there before.
Find out the salary of healthcare professionals with similar experience as you.