Connect anonymously with other healthcare specialists about work, pay and more.
Finding a job has been turned around: healthcare institutions send you offers based on your preferences listed on your anonymous profile.
Read thousands of anonymous insights about the health organisations from the specialists who have worked there before.
Find out the salary of healthcare professionals with similar experience as you.
Scrubin is specifically designed for healthcare professionals and puts your needs first. Get employee feedback about organisations, salary information and get hired based on your anonymous profile.
Get to know anonymous insights about the health organisations from the specialists who have worked there before you.
Connect anonymously with other health professionals about work, pay, life and more.
The process of finding a job has been turned around: healthcare institutions send you offers based on your preferences listed on your anonymous profile.
Whether you’re starting a job search or ready for a promotion, use Scrubin to uncover what other professionals like you are getting paid – so you can negotiate with confidence.
Fill in your anonymous profile as accurately as possible. Add your previous experience and indicate any preferences (e.g. salary, preferred working conditions, location in a city or country suitable for you).
Depending on your preferences, healthcare organisations will make you an offer based on your anonymous profile.
You have 72 hours to respond to a personal offer. If you decide to continue to communicate with a healthcare organisation, your profile will become visible to them.
Report what your hourly wage is today. We anonymously collect salary information from everyone and will give you feedback based on the average wage of healthcare professionals with similar experience. As a result, you’ll be better equipped to ask for a fair salary yourself!
A job platform created for the healthcare
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Connect anonymously with other healthcare specialists about work, pay and more.
Finding a job has been turned around: healthcare institutions send you offers based on your preferences listed on your anonymous profile.
Read thousands of anonymous insights about the health organisations from the specialists who have worked there before.
Find out the salary of healthcare professionals with similar experience as you.